When we are able to be still and quiet in our inside, it might just rise up, find us, and lighten parts of our inside.

Wisdom is beyond the realms of understanding and yet, it opens the doorways to Knowing oneself in a way that requires waiting without intention in liminality, and learning to surrender to the fate of this moment. At and in that moment that it shines upon and within us it matters. It supports us to see, meet, befriend, include, and agree to parts of who we are. Our ability to see and meet Wisdom grows, deepens, and expands with time and age as we learn to let go of the need for control to witness life in its unfolding and happening. Then Wisdom becomes like a Kind, Compassionate friend that walks with us, and supports us to include, and agree to every part, aspect, and emergence in and of our life. Life becomes the Guiding Force, Light, and Way.
The Wisdom Publications brings to print the Knowing that continues to emerge, greet, and light my way in more ways than I can comprehend. Some are published works, some are published on-demand, and some are waiting to be published. Every wisdom has contributed to my life integration process may it support you to find yours.
This Book publishes and shares my Masters of Arts – Women’s Spirituality Research Study at the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology. It explores my journey as a modern-day city-bred daughter to redefine, reclaim and re-inform my female sexuality by reconnecting with the matrilineal lived experience of two earlier generations of Nair women—my mother and three grandmothers from my near and extended Nayar family living in the North Malabar Kannur district of Kerala. As a daughter, this study gave me the freedom to engage in questions I would otherwise never have explored with my mother and grandmothers. As a researcher, it gave me the opportunity to intellectually explore the written works of various anthropologists, historians and philosophers on the Nayar community. Using the qualitative research methodology of organic inquiry, I engaged in conversations with my mother and three grandmothers on female sexuality and the various factors that influenced the forming of their relationship to their bodies as each of these women blossomed from a young girl into an adult woman. This study is deeply influenced by my own perception that is daughter-centered, mother-centered, woman-centered, and Nayar-centered.

This is a drawing and colouring book that supports you to explore the creative process and practice of drawing and colouring Yoni Mandala.
Yoni Mandala as a process and practice happened to and through me organically while I was enrolled in the Women’s Spirituality Masters of Art Program. I was exploring my disconnect with my Yoni, and the intuitive process of the Yoni Mandala supported me to establish a deep connection to the Yoni in a way I did not know or was not present to before. The book also, introduces you to simple chants, quotes, mudras, and wisdom of the Yoni as a Source of Female Sexuality and Creativity.
This calendar supports Wom(b)en to track their menstrual blood with the movement of the Moon through the year mapped over the circular Wheel of Earth. It is available for FREE Download. It best printed in Colour on A3 or B3 size.

My Menstruation Journal
This Blood Journal helps you understand your womb and bleeding cycle, its cyclic Dark- Light rhythm, the layered interconnections of your womb with the different Earth rhythms, and supports you to track every phase of your menstruation cycle. By doing so, you may begin to notice your own unique wild instinctual rhythm and its mirrored influence into the outside and from the outside towards you, and awaken into your Own Wild Instinctual Nature. It supports you to track 12 distinct Menstruation cycles over the four phases so that you are able to recognise your emergence out of bleeding, rise in energy into ovulation, dip in energy through luteal phase and back to bleeding and retreating from the world.
LUNI-SOLAR journal supports you to navigate your movements based on the Dark-Light Rhythmic influences of the Sun, and the Moon on Earth. While it may seem to have a Gregorian appearance, the diary is aligned on the Twelve Indian Solar Months, and Twelve complete Moon cycles of a year that inform the cycle of seasons, festivals, rituals, and so much more on the Indian Subcontinent. The diary also, gives information on the Lunar Nakrshatra transitions. There is ample space and placeholders for planning, tracking and preparing one’s movements in alignment with the seasonal and lunar shifts. This calendar diary is available for purchase in November of the year.
Lunar Nitya Creative Workbook
It is a known fact that the moon influences movement of matter on earth. What does it mean to be present in the unfolding of life in alignment with one’s purpose of birth on Earth in this body? How can we receive from this presence that surrounds us, breathes us, breathes through us, breathes into us? This book is focused on a practical application of the Sixteen Lunar Nitya Goddesses for the Lunar Seeker and Traveller in each one of us. It supports you to give breath and life to your dream-intention-hopes-desires through the daily Wisdom and Gifts of the Nitya Devis.
This workbook is the key ingredient on the year-long Shaktiship Apprenticeship I facilitate through the She Stands Tall Project initiative. It supports wom(b)en to remember, recover and reclaim the spirituality of Being Female in this Womb body. All the worksheets in this Workbook emerged out of my own need to step out of the infinitely complicated and intricately woven web of patriarchal conditioning that overtime had begun to gnaw at my life force, choke my creativity, chain my body, suffocate my existence, and distance the unfamiliar Wild Wom(b)an in me. These worksheets revealed itself at different points of time, and as I engaged with it – something in me shifted, shed, purged, evolved, deepened, awakened, and expanded. I began to stand tall unapologetically – expanded into the sky, rooted onto the earth as an adult woman without conflict, hesitation, and doubts. I am my guiding compass, and I am answerable only to the universe – nature.
Trauma-Informed Return Home Series of WorkBooks.
Uncovering the Dark-Light Inner Navigational Compass
Through the Circadian, Seasonal Rhythms and the Self-Care Rituals
Navigating the Waxing and Waning.
Embodying Primordial Nature Wisdom.
Circadian and Seasonal Cycle
“Neuroscience research shows that the only way we can change the way we feel is by becoming aware of our inner experience and learning to befriend what is going inside ourselves.”
― Bessel A. van der Kolk
(The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma)