Rekha Govindan Kurup

I facilitate safe, open, trauma-informed spaces that support individuals, and groups to explore, express, experience, and embody the truth of Who They Are, and Return to Wholeness.

I am a Spanda-Ochre Trained Systemic Family Constellation Helper, Certified Compassionate Inquiry Practitioner, Women’s Spirituality Guide, and Keeper of the Cyclic Earth Wisdom traditions. My Initiatives of She Stands Tall Project and the Ordinary Human Project offers a plethora of Teaching, Learning, and Remembering opportunities. 


The pedagogy of my work is guided by a Whole-Person-Philosophy that supports the integration of the Personal, Relational, and Transpersonal experience.


I support individuals to consciously develop the Compassion and Curiosity to Inquire into the Relational Origins of their Triggers, Develop the Courage to do the process – integration work, and Mature their Self-awareness to take 100% Responsibility for their Being, and Doing in the world.

These are some of my offerings

“The more you cultivate presence in your life, the more you follow your breath and you are aware that you are doing something as you are doing it, the more you bring presence into your personal relationships, the more deeply it will be available to you in practice.

Dr. Gabor Maté

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